Forest School for Children Aged 6-12 (Winter Term)
Be part of our outdoor learning community and join us for an 10-week term of Forest School sessions for children aged 6-12 (NEWHAM RESIDENTS ONLY).
We invite you to join our outdoor self directed learning sessions for local home educated children. The sessions will be led by a qualified level 3 Forest School leader and supported by two assistants. All staff are DBS checked and there will be at least one first aider on site.
Mondays in Beckton District Park South
Free bursary places available upon request— email
We meet in all weather conditions. Please be prepared to attend in cold and wet weather from the start of the term (please dress children in suitable footwear and outerwear for the weather and bring extra socks and layers). Snacks provided but please send your child with a nut-free packed lunch.
Monday 6 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 13 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 20 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 27 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 3 February 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 10 February 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 24 Febraury 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 3 March 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 10 March 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 17 March 10am- 1:45pm
NOTE: No session on 17 February
Session timings have changed, the first 6 sessions of the term will finish at 1:15pm and the final 4 sessions will end at 1:45pm.
Our Forest School sessions encourage children to explore their natural curiosity through facilitated activities and self-directed play and learning. We run these sessions as a term to allow children to build deeper relationships with nature, with one another and with themselves, on their own terms. They are able to do this through regular participation with the same group of children, in the same space each week. Therefore, we expect commitment to attending the full term, to arrive to the sessions on time and to stay for the duration of the session, and to collect your child on time— if you cannot make this commitment, please do not book as these sessions are funded and have a waitlist.
This project was made possible by the Postcode Society Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Be part of our outdoor learning community and join us for an 10-week term of Forest School sessions for children aged 6-12 (NEWHAM RESIDENTS ONLY).
We invite you to join our outdoor self directed learning sessions for local home educated children. The sessions will be led by a qualified level 3 Forest School leader and supported by two assistants. All staff are DBS checked and there will be at least one first aider on site.
Mondays in Beckton District Park South
Free bursary places available upon request— email
We meet in all weather conditions. Please be prepared to attend in cold and wet weather from the start of the term (please dress children in suitable footwear and outerwear for the weather and bring extra socks and layers). Snacks provided but please send your child with a nut-free packed lunch.
Monday 6 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 13 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 20 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 27 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 3 February 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 10 February 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 24 Febraury 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 3 March 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 10 March 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 17 March 10am- 1:45pm
NOTE: No session on 17 February
Session timings have changed, the first 6 sessions of the term will finish at 1:15pm and the final 4 sessions will end at 1:45pm.
Our Forest School sessions encourage children to explore their natural curiosity through facilitated activities and self-directed play and learning. We run these sessions as a term to allow children to build deeper relationships with nature, with one another and with themselves, on their own terms. They are able to do this through regular participation with the same group of children, in the same space each week. Therefore, we expect commitment to attending the full term, to arrive to the sessions on time and to stay for the duration of the session, and to collect your child on time— if you cannot make this commitment, please do not book as these sessions are funded and have a waitlist.
This project was made possible by the Postcode Society Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Be part of our outdoor learning community and join us for an 10-week term of Forest School sessions for children aged 6-12 (NEWHAM RESIDENTS ONLY).
We invite you to join our outdoor self directed learning sessions for local home educated children. The sessions will be led by a qualified level 3 Forest School leader and supported by two assistants. All staff are DBS checked and there will be at least one first aider on site.
Mondays in Beckton District Park South
Free bursary places available upon request— email
We meet in all weather conditions. Please be prepared to attend in cold and wet weather from the start of the term (please dress children in suitable footwear and outerwear for the weather and bring extra socks and layers). Snacks provided but please send your child with a nut-free packed lunch.
Monday 6 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 13 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 20 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 27 January 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 3 February 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 10 February 10am- 1:15pm
Monday 24 Febraury 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 3 March 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 10 March 10am- 1:45pm
Monday 17 March 10am- 1:45pm
NOTE: No session on 17 February
Session timings have changed, the first 6 sessions of the term will finish at 1:15pm and the final 4 sessions will end at 1:45pm.
Our Forest School sessions encourage children to explore their natural curiosity through facilitated activities and self-directed play and learning. We run these sessions as a term to allow children to build deeper relationships with nature, with one another and with themselves, on their own terms. They are able to do this through regular participation with the same group of children, in the same space each week. Therefore, we expect commitment to attending the full term, to arrive to the sessions on time and to stay for the duration of the session, and to collect your child on time— if you cannot make this commitment, please do not book as these sessions are funded and have a waitlist.
This project was made possible by the Postcode Society Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Learn about our group's ethos and what to expect from our sessions by reading our ground rules.
The session starts at 10am, late arrivals (after 10:15am) will not be permitted as this will disrupt the flow of the session and impact session safety.
By 10:30am we will get together for circle time which might include sharing how we're feeling, what we'd like to do, what we enjoyed the previous week, singing a song together and/or discussing our topic for the day.
The session will flow freely between facilitated activities and child-led play and learning. Different stations will be set up such as ropes and a mud kitchen.
The session will wrap up with another group circle and children are collected at 1:15pm (6 Jan- 10 Feb)/ 1:45pm (24 Feb- 17 Mar)
Bottle of water
Spare socks and additional layers for cold weather, sun protection for hot weather (hat, sun cream, etc)
Mug for hot drinks
Nut-free packed lunch
Meet at Will Thorne Pavilion Car Park for the first session of the term.
Please book one ticket per child. For children aged 6- 12 years only. Parent or carer can attend the first session of the term, then children only for subsequent sessions unless a longer settling in period is required.
There is a £15 registration fee, which is invested into our project. If you are unable to pay the registration fee at this time we can offer a limited number of free bursary places, please email us to arrange this.
If you book the term then realise that you are unable to attend, you can cancel up to 24 hours before the first day of the term for a refund. If you cancel after this we will retain your registration fee.
Bookings are non-transferable. If you decide you no longer want to attend, please let us know ASAP. If you know of someone who would like to take your place, please ask them to email us directly; however, there may be others on the waitlist ahead of them whom we need to offer the place to first.
In cases of illness, injury or other incidents which prevent your attendance, notify us of your absence via email ( at least 1 hour prior to the session start time, prior to each missed session. We understand that issues can arise at the last minute, but please do try to contact us as soon as you know you will not be attending as it allows us to better plan the sessions.
Cancellations must be made by email. Please send us an email if you cannot make it to any session due to planned holiday or unplanned absences. We expect this from all attendees whether they have paid a fee or have a bursary place.
By attending our sessions, you agree to provide accurate and up to date information via our Consent Form. You also agree to provide us feedback via a written or online survey at the end of the term.