Our Funders and Partners

Meet our funders

  • Postcode Society Trust

    Postcode Society Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Our organisation received £25,000 from the Trust to run our 2023/2024 outdoor learning sessions and litter picks. Our organisation received £16,323 from the Trust to support our project in 2024/2025.

  • Newham Community Assemblies

    Newham Community Assemblies, now People Powered Places, funds projects addressing the priorities of each Newham neighbourhood, voted for by local residents. Our organisation was awarded funding 3 years in a row to run our outdoor learning sessions, community events and litter picks. In addition it is funding woodland management and a nature trail/ map for the 2023/2024 cycle.

  • Royal Docks Trust

    The Royal Docks Trust provides community benefits to the Docklands part of Newham (between the A13 and the River Thames). Our organisation has been awarded a grant of £2,000 to run a term of Forest School sessions for children with SEND in a local school in 2024/2025.